The Orthodontic Bloom

Empowering Team Knowledge with Insightful Blogs

Thriving Teams Don't Tolerate Toxicity Jul 29, 2024


We've all seen it: the incredibly skilled team member with a terrible attitude. They produce fantastic results but leave a trail of negativity in their wake. While some managers hold onto these "stars," it's a recipe for disaster that can poison your...

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Channel Your Inner Ted Lasso: Leading Your Orthodontic Team Through Summer Chaos Jun 02, 2024

Summer, a season for vacations, barbecues, and...exhausted orthodontic teams?

Just like any other workplace, orthodontic practices can face summertime chaos. The relentless pace of appointments and the lack of a proper break can leave your team feeling burnt out. But fear not. There's a...

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The Business Strategy of Prioritizing Mental Wellness and Creating Safe Spaces in Teams May 05, 2024

In today's fast-paced and demanding orthodontic environments, focusing on mental wellness isn't just a compassionate gesture—it's also a savvy business strategy. Recognizing the importance of mental health within teams can improve productivity, increase employee retention rates, and...

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